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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up June 3rd, 2011

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up June 3rd, 2011


Welcome to June!

This week we brought out a couple of songs by Cat Stevens- Morning Has Broken and The Wind, a little surf music with the Ventures version of Wipe Out, and another entry in our Zombies line- Tell Her No. We also had a short Fly On The Wall with Caitlyn and I going over her beginnings of an original tune.

I’d also like to let everybody in on a great piece of software that I use all the time. Song Surgeon is a great addition to any guitar players set of tools. It is a program that can take any audio file and change the pitch or the speed to allow you to really focus in on minuted details of a song. There are dozens of great features and they are spelled out on our Song Surgeon page- http://www.totallyguitars.com/songsurgeon/

I use this just about everyday as I prep lessons for TG or other students. Be sure to check out the free demo.

In today’s newscast I also got a little off on a Buffalo Springfield tangent, having just seen part of a reunion tour that they are on now. There are only a few shows before they headline a festival in Tennessee but if you are near Los Angeles or Santa Barbara they are heading that way over the next couple of days. Not to be missed!

Next week… maybe some Springfield tunes???

Stay Tunes & In Touch,



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