Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up January 29, 2021

January 29, 2021
I spent a bit of time this week revisiting a couple players who were big influences and inspirations to me almost 50 years ago, John Fahey and Jesse Colin Young. Scattered throughout today’s update you will find bits JCY’s Song For Juli album and a few Fahey tunes that are on a path toward becoming lessons.
I hope some of you have noticed our new menu filters on the Lessons page. It is now very easy to find our Theory Courses and Fly On The Wall Lessons. Check it out and let us know if there is anything we have missed.
Our new lessons this week were a couple Solo arrangements, Bob McAlpine’s version of In The Air Tonight and mine on This Masquerade, as well as Vanessa’s lesson on Crying In The Rain by The Everly Brothers.
Next week we will see lessons from The Stone Temple Pilots, The Everly Brothers, and John Fahey.