Totally Guitars Weekly Update April 12, 2024

April 12, 2024
I mentioned last week at the end that frequently things pop up that I had not seen coming, or had planned to get into the lesson library. This week the Alan Parsons Project tune Old And Wise cut into my lesson queue and I just had to jump on it. The beautiful tune was written by Erik Woolfson and Parsons but sung by Colin Blunstone. Not that Erik could not have done it justice, but the guest appearance by the voice of The Zombies took it to an even higher level.
Our 3-Minute Challenge wrapped up recently and I had the pleasure of having a private lesson with our grand prize winner, BrazosOyster. It turned out to be all theory related and we went into major scales, key signatures, and particularly the circle of fifths. That led me into today’s tip – extracting a small part of the circle, particularly how it applies to guitar players. There may be more on that next week if anybody seems to be interested.
Till then –
Stay Tuned & In Touch,