Totally Guitars Weekly Update March 25, 2022

March 25, 2022
This week a few old favorites crossed my radar and made their way into attempted play throughs. There were a couple tunes by The Band (and I am open to suggestions as far as more lessons on Robbie Robertson songs to go along with The Weight and The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, which have been here for years). Mr. Bojangles also made a little cameo appearance, and it looks like it would make a good candidate for an instrumental lesson.
And speaking of instrumentals, this week included a lessons on a solo version of I Need You, a bit of a companion that grew out of the recent lesson on George Harrison’s great tune from Help. I also put up a little more polished version as an Acoustic Snapshot.
I talked a bit about getting re-excited about the feel and sound of my Santa Cruz guitar after a seasonal adjustment, which many guitars need like your car needs tune-ups.
At the end I went into Dropped D and took a stab at an obscure underground radio tune from the late 1960s, which I hope some of you might remember or recognize. Feel free to post the answer here if you have it.
See you in April…