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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up February 22nd, 2013

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up February 22nd, 2013


Totally Guitars

Totally Guitars Podcast

Today’s recap started with a little blues courtesy of Jorma Kaukonen,
and one of the songs that dragged me kicking and screaming into
ragtime blues country picking. As per usual, I went through the new
Target releases, talked about some posts floating through the Forum,
including my own brush with fame and person I most wanted to
meet, before heading into details that are starting to come into place
regarding our first TG Retreat/Conference/Seminar. We have a date set
for 3 days in September, deep in the heart of the Santa Cruz Mountains.

On to the details-

The new material for TG included a Student Review of Mellow Yellow by
Donovan, FOTW lessons with our member Auntlynnie and one with Kevin
going over a Jerry Garcia tune, and songs by Tracy Chapman and Leonard
Cohen. Tracy’s song Baby Can I Hold You included a good way for
beginners to play it as well as the way she used a double-time
strumming pattern. For Leonard Cohen I figured it was time to go back
to the beginning and demystify Suzanne, the song that launched him on
the world when Judy Collins first recorded it.

The Forum posts I commented on included James Taylor songs, the All
Lessons menu adjustments (obviously still a work in progress), and a
short story (yeah right!) on a near brush with fame, as far as I was
concerned, which ended up being linked to the ‘Person You’d Most Like
To Meet’ thread. Let me know if you guess the people concerned before
hearing the stories.

That was it, until next week, although there is a slight chance we
might miss a week or even two of updates due to a little surgery
(LITTLE?!) and a little traveling to watch our youngest play college
softball. Don’t panic if things are a little different for a bit, it
will only be temporary.

Stay Tuned & In Touch,



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