Totally Guitars Weekly Update November 5, 2021

November 6, 2021
Running a day late here due to some unexpected family stuff but I did manage to sit down for a few minutes Saturday and ramble through some thoughts. I hadn’t touched the guitar for a few days, so I started with a little improvising which included melodies from Sting, The Beatles, and Neil Young, and later fooled around in Dropped D, for no particular reason. I hope you enjoy the musings.
The big News this week was our restructuring of prices for our Packs. We have dropped the 10-Packs to $24.99 and the 5-Packs to $14.99. We have over 150 different Artist Packs now and this week’s new additions were a Police Electric 5- Pack and a Sting/Police 6-Pack, which included 3 solo of Sting’s – Shape Of My Heart, Russians, and Fields Of Gold.
As far as lessons are concerned, this week I stayed on the George Harrison track and finished up Wah-Wah, which has a very cool riff and a few unusual chord changes and voicings, typical of Harrison songs from All Thing Must Pass.
I plan to be back on track next week with a couple new lessons and am looking at finishing up a couple that were recently requested.