Sting & The Police 6-Pack
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- Chords
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- Guitar pro files
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Lesson 1: Invisible Sun - Police - Guitar Lesson
Invisible Sun is a classic example of the type of minimalist guitar parts that The Police commonly used. It is just a couple of power chords with small fills attached, followed by a blues-based riff. The lesson presents the song in two different keys as the band typically played it differently live than the way they originally recorded it.
Lesson 2: Wrapped Around Your Finger - Acoustic Guitar Lesson
As the Police’s career together was winding down they put out what is probably their finest album, Synchronicity. The variety and complexity of the songs was quite advanced from their early days. Wrapped Around Your Finger somewhat foreshadowed what was to soon come from Sting as a solo artist.
This lesson tries to incorporate bits of what all three musicians added to the recording into a solo guitar accompaniment. It includes percussive finger strumming and some big stretches to bring out the opening theme, although a simplified alternate way is presented as well.Lesson 3: Every Breath You Take - Police - Guitar Lesson
From the last Police album, Synchronicity, Every Breath You Take has probably become the band’s best known song. It features a very basic chord progression and a muted arpeggio accompaniment added by Andy Summers that really set the stage for Sting’s eerie lyrics. The guitar part requires some big left hand stretches to be done accurately but a much easier way is also presented in the lesson.
Lesson 4: Fields Of Gold - Acoustic Guitar Lesson
This lesson is based on Sting's original version of Fields Of Gold, which appeared on Ten Summoner's Tales in 1993. It covers the chord progression, a percussive accompaniment technique, and ways of transposing it to a comfortable singing key according to your range.
Lesson 5: Russians - Sting - Guitar Lesson
Russians is a topical anti-war song by Sting, from his debut solo album ‘The Dreams of the Blue Turtles, released in 1985.
The lesson shows a simple finger picking arpeggio-style arrangement in the key of Am, where the guitar is capoed on the second fret. To match the original recording it should be on the third fret, putting it in the absolute key of Cm.
We take a look at the chords, which are mostly in first position, the picking and the progression.Lesson 6: Shape Of My Heart - Sting - Guitar Lesson
Sting has many songs with very interesting guitar parts. Shape Of My Heart is from his 1995 album Ten Summoner’s Tales and is a collaboration with one of his main guitar players, Dominic Miller, who came up with the chord sequence. It features stripped down chord voicings and inversions with delicate fingerpicking. The lesson looks at the way they play it solo, as can be found in a very intimate video at YouTube.