The Police Electric Pack

The Police Electric Pack

What's included

  • All tab
  • Chords
  • Chart
  • Guitar pro files


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  • Lesson 1: Canary In A Coalmine - Electric Guitar Lesson

    This classic Police song is a harmonious blend of reggae chords and pop guitar. Like many of Sting’s songs, the influences and roots of his music are clearly audible. Want to learn how to blend some of your favorite style together to create something new? Well then check out this lesson and learn what Sting did, and maybe you could do it too!!!

  • Lesson 2: Don't Stand So Close To Me - Electric Guitar Lesson

    This awesome tune by The Police is a great way to get introduced to various styles and ideas. From the reggae chord groove to the verse that descends in thirds all the way to a blues inspired chorus, this song has something for every player to learn!

  • Lesson 3: Every Breath You Take

    Have you always wondered how The Police get that great sound? Well if you’re a guitarist, here are the answers. In this lesson you’ll learn the basics of some new “stretched out” chord shapes and arpeggios, all while learning the sweet riffs to this epic jam!

  • Lesson 4: Roxanne = Electric Guitar Lesson

    This timeless hit brings together several key elements that you’re about to uncover. The use of suspended chords and how they function, various grooves like reggae and straight 8th, and of course all the riffs will be unveiled in this lesson on Roxanne.

  • Lesson 5: Message In A Bottle - Electric Guitar Lesson

    This 80’s British rock hit is a great tune for all to enjoy. Easy to learn and chock full of great guitar riffs, Message In A Bottle is a fantastic choice for any up and coming player who is looking for some new ideas to inject in to their own playing style. With this lesson you’ll learn how stacking certain intervals on each other produces an awesome modern type sound, and how you can apply even reggae rhythms to a distorted rock song.