Totally Guitars Weekly Update June 7, 2024

June 7, 2024
This week’s events and TG additions were driven by, or at least inspired by requests and suggestions from students. I was asked by a couple students about what we had at TG for absolute beginners. It reminded me of some lessons we had in the past that were nowhere to be found currently. A little research and archive digging turned up two great courses: The Beginner’s Blueprint and Strumming Essentials. After reviving and updating them I can enthusiastically say they are full of great info and not just for beginners. I strongly encourage everybody to take a lookout particularly the Beginner’s Blueprint to review and refresh some vital fundamentals. Comments will be appreciated as well.
Thinking through the Strumming Essentials lesson was what led me to short instrumental improvs on a few rock classics, which were used as examples to learn easy strumming patterns. I trust you will recognize all of them.
We wrapped up our third 3-Minute Challenge with a couple more winners– a set of Santa Cruz strings is on the way to Victor and DavesNotHere was the grand prize winner and is on track for a private Zoom lesson with me.
Another student driven request led me to today’s tech tip. I was recently reminded that most people have a hard time controlling the little finger on the left hand, particularly using it independently . At the end of the segment I went into a few exercises, including a nod toward Star Trek fans.
At the beginning of the week Nesh brought us a new lesson from Roxette. Take a look at The Look by the second most famous group out of Sweden.
I ended this week’s Update with one of my works in progress, George Girl, which I hope to wrap up soon. Part of the delay is looking for alternate fingerings for a few somewhat stretchy choices I have made. Maybe some of the little finger exercises mentioned earlier will be the ticket.
Stay Tuned & In Touch,