Totally Guitars Weekly Update July 14, 2023

July 14, 2023
Today’s Update was book-ended with surf and blues, from the 1960s and back to the 1950s. Both of these were inspired by lessons I had this week with students. The rest of the musical excursions were driven by the question on the Forum about tunes from The Sound Of Music. I took the opportunity to think out loud as I tried to work out some of the progressions of a couple of those.
The takeaway from this can be summed up by saying find the melody first, and using your theory knowledge to figure out the chords.
This week’s new lesson was the solo arrangement of Get Together, which I mentioned last week and is up at TG now. We also released some new decade packs, 1960s Songs Volume 2, 1970s Songs Vols 2 & 3, and The British Re-Invasion, which is mostly songs from the 1980s. They are all up on the Specials page now.
Back next week (maybe…),