Totally Guitars Weekly Update August 5, 2022

August 5, 2022
Recently I have been doing some housecleaning, or at least reorganizing here at TG, which brought a lot of things to my attention. One of the outcomes in this is revisiting some old lessons and packs. One of these inspired most of the musical excerpts for today, starting with Hesitation Blues, and carrying on into some other tunes I first heard from Jorma Kaukonen. There were bits and pieces of Death Don’t Have No Mercy and even a little Mann’s Fate throughout the Update.
Today’s tip was on percussive techniques and included references to Blackbird and Moondance. It mostly offered a couple exercises to start with if you want to add some percussion to your right-hand technique.
New additions to the TG Library this week included a couple new packs, some additions to a few old ones, and a new lesson on Say You, Say Me by Lionel Richie.
The new packs were solo instrumentals, starting with Name That Theme, a set of lessons on my arrangements of tunes from TV, the silver screen, and Broadway. The second was Doug Young’s DADGAD Beatles, which included a Paul Simon lesson as well.
Three older packs had new stuff added to them. The Rev. Gary Davis pack now includes Hesitation Blues, the Eva Cassidy pack now has her take on San Francisco Bay Blues, and the Open G Instrumentals had three pieces added- The Sailor’s Grave On The Prairie, Sleep Walk on the Lap Steel, and Jorma’s Water Song.
Next week there are more instrumental packs on the horizon and a couple other surprises.
See you then,