Welcome to the next generation of TG, where we have rolled out the new site and expect that everybody’s experience will be astronomically elevated. I am thrilled that we have restarted releasing new lessons, starting ...
Another month down and a lot of nothing changed, at least here in Northern California. I hope everyone is coping well, and maybe even taking advantage of the time to get in a little more ...
A little ‘Tickle Me’ to start today, with more of it later. It is a tune of mine that I forget about for years at a time but recently it has grabbed me again, and ...
The big news this week included the hummingbirds and pet names, classic TV, comments on songs and uploads from members, and livestreams from TG Friends. Needless to say some of the thoughts spun off into ...
John Prine was on my mind today, of course. I really enjoyed listening to his first album again this morning, probably the first time in 30-40 years to go all the way through, top to ...
Paul Simon, and some of the other artists who are sharing their music for free lately, was who was on my mind at the start of today’s update, which led me into messing around a ...
I was recently reminded of Neil Young’s fabulous site https://neilyoungarchives.com/ where he is doing things similar to many much less known artists, putting up free entertainment to help people get through these trying times. Everything I played ...
Today’s intro music was an improv on a couple Neil Young themes, which brought up a mention of a relative of mine who does a Sunday morning radio show at KTUH, University Of Hawaii and ...
Friday the thirteenth it is hard not to be glued to the world news but TG Central has become host to a mama hummingbird, which diverted me into the world of wildlife cams. Here is ...
I have been revisiting our old Recommend A Lesson page, which still works believe it or not, it just requires a little hacking and patience. There are some great tunes on there that I have ...