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Phoenix Guitar League – Neil Hogan – Part 7

Guitar League

Phoenix Guitar League – Neil Hogan – Part 7


On November 13, 2018 the Phoenix Guitar League had its first meeting at a Marriott Hotel on the west side of town. Neil was asked by Bart Marshel to be the Inaugural Presenter with a mixed format of performance, instruction, and interaction with the attendees. A small group of guitar players convened and a rollicking time was had by all.

As the evening progressed, in Part 7 we opened the floor to questions or problems the students might have. It started with some tips on harmonics, looking particularly at Neil Young’s Harvest Moon.

Next came a demonstration of artificial harmonics, which allow you to play any note as a harmonic, rather than just the natural ones at frets 12, 7, and 5. A short sample of While My Guitar Gently Weeps showed how they can be used. Next came a performance of Josie, the Steely Dan song as arranged by Pete Huttlinger, then announcements from Bart with questions for the students as far as the Guitar League was concerned.


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