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We Used To Know Guitar Lesson

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We Used To Know Guitar Lesson


*We Used To Know*was released on the second Jethro Tull album, Stand Up, as they were starting to head out of their blues roots and into a more progressive direction. It features an interesting chord progression as it uses many chords available only in the melodic minor scale. This guitar lesson explains the relationships between the chords, strumming in 6/8 time, and a way to add a second guitar part using partial chords up the neck. Any similarity to Hotel California (written many years later) is purely coincidental. *We Used To Know*was released on the second Jethro Tull album, Stand Up, as they were starting to head out of their blues roots and into a more progressive direction. It features an interesting chord progression as it uses many chords available only in the melodic minor scale. This guitar lesson explains the relationships between the chords, strumming in 6/8 time, and a way to add a second guitar part using partial chords up the neck. Any similarity to Hotel California (written many years later) is purely coincidental.


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