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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up May 10th, 2013

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up May 10th, 2013


Totally Guitars

Totally Guitars Podcast

There was a song running through my head that I couldn’t place today. Hopefully somebody will recognize it and help me out. Other than that today’s update mostly included comments about some cool stuff on the Forum: the great collaborations on All My Loving and Souvenirs, the helpful comments the community came up with for someone who just finished the Free Beginner’s Course, and the travels of the TG Banner. Speaking of the Banner, it is now officially Last Call so speak up if you want it or it will begin the journey to TG Central.

I also talked a little about the Recommend A Lesson section, which we hope to get tweaked into better operating condition. Be sure to keep the votes coming as I do look at it almost everyday.

While in recommending mode, I spoke a bit about an internet radio station that I really enjoy, although much of the rest of my household does not agree. It is 3wk.com and they play mostly underground classic cuts, with a heavy leaning toward psychedelic stuff. Perfect for those of us who can’t let go of our childhood, or formative years. As I type this there are playing What Are Their Names.

I also played a bit of this week’s new releases: the Level I Sight-Reading lessonMidnight At The Oasis by Maria Muldaur, and Stormy Monday as done by The Allman Brothers. I hope everybody checks out some of the other versions, particularly Bobby Blue Bland’s, the main influence on Duane and Gregg, and the original by T-Bone Walker.

I hope everybody enjoyed our visit with John Self. It was such a cool thing to randomly run into somebody like that in Hilo and I am glad he could spend some time with me, and us.

Until next week,
Stay Tuned & In Touch,



1 Comment

  1. Kevin May 10, 2013

    Sounds like Three Dog Night Family of Man 1975. great tune. would like to hear more of their songs especially Pieces of April. They had a great run of songs in the early 70s.


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