Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up March 5, 2021

March 5, 2021
A new month and a little new optimism on the horizon. Today, feeling a somewhat upbeat, I tried to start with a little of Laleña, which didn’t quite translate into the mood I was looking for, so it got the axe. I also thought about trying an instrumental version of You’ll Never Walk Alone until I listened to the original from Carousel and realized it was way too complicated harmonically, which led to a few thoughts on Richard Rodgers and what is reasonable in composing. Staying on the path of off the cuff takes on this week’s lessons, I tackled Scarborough Faire (not on a high-strung guitar), with a better outcome, and even a nod to Gilligan. And that was the wrap up on last week’s lessons.
The big local news is that the hummingbirds have hatched, and I am trying to keep the live feed up most of the day. There is not too much to see yet as they are too small to even pop their beaks over the edge of the nest. Mama is not there much of the time but does come back to feed them pretty often. The live feed will be updated on The TG Forum.
Next week we will see songs from Carole King, Alanis Morissette, and hopefully my lessons that got sidelined by Donovan this week.
Back to the grinding board for now…,
Thanks for the jam on “Happy Cause I’m Going Home” by Chicago. I love singing to this song and it
has a great flute solo by Walt P. Yes… TG does need more Chicago songs… Bob did have a lesson on 25 or 6 to 4…. thanks, Bob! Anyway, Chicago has a bunch of ballads that would lend themself to solo guitar master interpreters like you and Bob… but you may feel better by getting some solo pieces off your back; “Bridge Over Trouble Water,” “We’ve Only Just Begun” and/or “Lalena.” Or just take a break and do nothing for a couple of week, except to watch the hummingbird CAM. Thanks, you’re awesome! Neal