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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up January 31st, 2020

TG News

Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up January 31st, 2020


A little Beatles to start the end of the month this week. As a matter of fact, I stumbled into a book I put together many years ago with arrangements of the 21 tunes I did on my CD A Beatles Collection (still available in our Audio Store), and thought it might be a good idea to flip through it in front of the camera. OK, so many times it is better to think these things through and plan a little better but hey, we’re all family here, right?

The big News for the week though is that we are just a day or two away from finalizing details for IGC 2020 here in Northern California. There will be all the specific info available very soon but the important stuff is we are back near TG Central at the former Presentation Center, now known as The Green Mountain Retreat. The dates are September 14-18, Monday Through Friday. I hope many of you will find a way to join us.


The other thing I touched on was last night’s dinner. We were visited by Muriel Anderson and significant other Bryan Allen who made us a fabulous meal from her newest project, Acoustic Chef, a recipe book with original music to accompany the dishes. They treated us to Tuvan Lamb Dumplings Buuza. Take a trip to murielanderson.com for more details and be sure to catch her show when you can. She will be in Georgia and Florida in a week or so.

Till February…

Go Niners!



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