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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up February 8th, 2019

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up February 8th, 2019


Highs, lows, ups and downs here at TG Central this week. Monday started with a trip to Santa Cruz (just 30 minutes over a rainy mountain) to pick up my old friend, the Santa Cruz FTC that I got in 1982. It had deteriorated a bit over the years and Richard Hoover offered to put it back into tip-top shape a few months ago.

The result was spectacular and it is way better than new now, and a joy to play and listen too. Unfortunately, playing right now is a bit painful due to a wrist problem that Dr. Kao prescribed some nasty medicine for. So not as much playing as I would like, over the week or on today’s update. However I did have fun last night trying to arrange a solo guitar version of Eye In The Sky which I talk about somewhere along the line.

Other things covered included a little update on IGC Europe and shameless plugs for a couple things you might be able to tap into. If you are near Phoenix next week be sure to catch Doug Young at the Guitar League meeting. It will be Tuesday Feb. 8 and more info can be found here.

Also, next Friday I will be doing another spot on KKUP radio at 4:00 Pacific time, health willing, and you can listen online here.

Other than that, check out this week’s new lessons. Max brought us Rather Be by Clean Bandit and Ben Harper’s Forever, Doug put together a lesson on Fretting Hand Exercises (the PC way of saying Left Hand Exercises for those easily rankled or just unruly) and we had Sandy transposing and exploring solo ideas with Train Leaves Here This Morning, a song The Eagles covered on their first album which was written by founding member Bernie Leadon along with Gene Clark a couple years earlier.

Hopefully more playing soon and next week…


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