Totally Guitars Weekly Update June 23, 2023

June 23, 2023
I have been away the last few days and somehow managed to not get distracted too much by music and TG stuff while Nani and I played tourists in San Francisco. As you know, it is really easy to neglect great places and destinations in your own backyard. A few details of the trip are included in today’s Update.
I started with a little messing around with the progression from Something Stupid, our latest lesson from Nesh that included our friend Corina singing along. The theory side of this went into progressions that have a single note moving through a chord. This great lesson also reminded me that you don’t have to play an Eb as a barre always. There are other families that offer a few great ways to play some chords that are cumbersome with our main families (E & A).
The tip I had planned for today was to revisit beginning fingerpicking patterns and exercises. That was shortened a bit as I was running out of time, but a lesson is under construction with a song that has been where I have started hundreds of students on their fingerpicking journey.
Ponzu also made an appearance, letting me know that it was time to wrap it up.
See you next week,