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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up October 27th, 2017

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up October 27th, 2017


Master Your Favorite Tune with the online guitars lessons from Totally Guitars!
Totally Guitars News Podcast

Today’s update included a few pieces in Dropped D Tuning, due to a piece that I should have brought up on the What Are You Working On Thread.

When I was visiting relatives last week a song popped up in my iTunes that I had heard for years but this time I couldn’t get rid of it. I started working on a solo guitar arrangement the other day and got obsessed enough to let everything else drop.

I hope you enjoy the little teaser but I would be shocked if anybody out there could place it, even with a few hints. Hopefully a new instrumental lesson will come out of it soon.

In any case, it did get me playing a few classics in Dropped D that you should know, even ending with a short improv that appeared as I was trying to sign off.

I do want to thank my long time student and friend Fred for being a good sport and tackling Good Time Charlie’s Got The Blues at his lesson last week. It got me inspired to finish a lesson on the great Danny O’Keefe song. We may have a FOTW in the bank on that as well now.

Our other new lessons were all new songs to me, Bad Day by Daniel Powter, Two Hands Of A Prayer by Ben Harper, and Starving by Hailee Steinfeld.

A little sideline that appeared was almost show and tell from our trip, a couple souvenirs from Kaua’i- a custom shirt courtesy of Jacqueline and her tiny shop in Hanapepe, and a memorable beer can. You will have to see the video for more info on that.

OK, though the weekend and Halloween, I hope all is well with everyone in the TG World!



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