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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up October 14, 2011

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up October 14, 2011


October 14, 2011

This week we continued with some songs from bands and artists we have
been focusing on recently. We started the week with Dog And Butterfly
by Heart, and even included a Fly On The Wall lesson on it with Fred.
Another recurring artist was John Lennon, with Woman, an interesting
progression with a beautiful melody. At the end of the week we stepped
into a new artist with a lesson on John Prine’s Angel From Montgomery.
This is a pretty basic progression but a god example of using chords
from multiple keys/modes. There was also a short look at how Bonnie
Raitt rearranged the song.

For those who can’t get enough theory we had another Fly On The Wall
video going over some important chords- augmented, diminished, and
various types of seventh chords. Don’t get intimidated- it is all
useful info.

Another useful piece of info came courtesy of our friend Jack van
Breen. He gave us tips on getting a good deal on a guitar at your
local music store. Be sure to check it out over at On The Beat.

For those non-Target members who prefer their lessons in packs, we
assembled a 5-Pack of Bob Seger tunes. This is an easy way to get the
lessons on Night Moves, Against The Wind, You’ll Accomp’ny Me, Fire
Lake, and Still The Same. The list of artist packs is getting huge.
Have fun with them.

We also managed a student review with some good suggestions for
embellishing Let It Be.

Happy mid-October…

Stay Tuned & In Touch,



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