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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up June 24, 2011

TG News

Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up June 24, 2011


This week started with a trip to the islands- the Hawaiian Islands. We
are thrilled to bring out a series of lessons on playing solo ukulele,
courtesy of my friend Hal Kinnaman. Hal has been teaching guitar and
ukulele for nearly 40 years. We started with his package called the
Solo Ukulele Workshop, designed to take you way beyond strumming some
simple chords, into the world of chord solos. There are many songs
included in the opening set and many more individual songs coming
soon. Hal and I sat down a few months ago and had a chat about our
lives as teachers. This can be found in our On The Beat column.

Jack van Breen got back in the swing of things with a variety of
clips. He talked about vintage Ibanez guitars, changing strings on
electric guitars with locking tremolo systems, and gave us an
introduction to some Martin guitar series. This will continue with a
look at their naming system and different models.

The update on our friend MattB is up now at his site and we have a
short video from him talking about his surgeries. There is still a big
need for volunteers to help on the fundraising front. If you know
anybody who can help at any level please pass this on.

I’ve noticed a lot of folks are having fun with our new gaming
activity. You can keep up with what’s happening there under the
Achievements tab in the left side menus.

A follow up to our Canadian New Englanders’ get together is underway.
The TG Banner has started its trip around the world on a quest
collecting signatures from TG members. We are working on a map to show
its progress. You should see it soon and the Forum will have many
updates as it travels.

The other big news for our Target program was the addition of a couple
lessons on Vincent, the number one requested song here at the
Recommend A Lesson section. I did a lesson on the way Don McLean plays
it, and Muriel Anderson and I sat down and went through her
instrumental arrangement, mostly based on Chet Atkins version. Her
lesson will come out in a bit of a Drip Feed manner. You can purchase
the music to her version at her web site- murielanderson.com.

Till next week, or next month…

Stay Tuned& In Touch,



1 Comment

  1. Robert Manuel June 27, 2011

    I just chanced upon this blog while looking for easy guitar lessons that I could use for my guitar starter class. I am amazed with the lessons Hal taught on Ukulele. Now, I know why you named this site totally guitars. Just an amazing site. Will be back for more lessons. Thank you.


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