Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up July 3rd, 2020

Today I started with a few lessons that people have had questions about lately and I would like some help with suggestions as to what might be added to make the lessons clearer. A couple of them were mini lessons, and even free I think but please take a look and offer some suggestions. The songs were End Of The Line, Heart Of Gold, Octopus’s Garden and Will You Love Me Tomorrow.
We rescheduled our first Free Webinar for Saturday June 11 at noon Pacific time. Watch the Forum for info on how to join us. And be sure to check out the new look to the Forum as well.
The New Stuff:
Lessons on Illegal Smile by John Prine, When Susannah Cries by Espen Lind and Guy Clark’s Magnolia Wind, which encouraged some improvising, along with 3 new Packs – Nirvana Electric (really an 8-pack with 3 acoustic lessons, all of which were done by Max Rich), Nirvana Acoustic with 6 lessons including some by Max, Vanessa, and me, and an advanced Jazz Standards 5-Pack from Max.
I want to thanks folks for uploading videos for review. Everything seems to be running smoothly and keep an eye out for Reviews on Over The Rainbow, Fly Me To The Moon and The Sage, Greg Lake’s instrumental from ELP’s Pictures At An Exhibition album.
Next Week:
Doug Young will rejoin us as a contributing instructor with his DADGAD arrangement of In My Life, Vanessa will bring in a Shania Twain song, and I will continue our John Prine path with Hello In There, which will also lead to a 5-Pack of his songs. We will also continue with Volume 3 of our Jazz Standards theory.
Have a happy and safe holiday weekend,
thanks Neil, so ok, i went and looked over your free lesson ‘Heart of Gold’ which I’ve been playing for about 4O years now. It’s pretty good instruction, but I wonder if the rapid rate at which the viewer is presented with numbers is a bit confusing for some. It was for me and I know this song really well. My impression was that you were speaking quite rapidly including counts and beats and numbers for several different things at the same time and I had a tough time parsing the info in my head before I had to absorb the next number concept. I was wondering, how many down strums for how many measures starting on which number beat for how many verses??? . (lol, “I was to understand that there’d be no math” ; (Chevy Chase quote from SNL)) I do enjoy your videos and lessons. One thing I do in this song instead of the bass run at the end I play the middle part of the chords, Bm – Am – G