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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up January 30th, 2015

TG News

Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up January 30th, 2015


Learn to Play Guitar with Online Lessons from Totally Guitars

Totally Guitars Weekly News Podcast

It was an interesting week here at TG Central. I got a little behind due to jury duty, maybe more on that at another time, but had a lot of fun over the weekend, including a short, impromptu set (well, 2 tunes) at a local restaurant, a nice dinner at home with the family, and a trip to Santa Cruz watching some surfers out on a beautiful January day, including a short visit with Ed Claxton. So enough about my week, stuff I mentioned on the News included some of the new releases, solutions to dropping picks, the difficulty I have in determining levels to lessons, a little more info on the creations of Pumpkin Pie and The Good Life, and some thoughts on pieces that don’t have to be done note-for-note, like “And Winter Glows.”

There was quite a bit of playing, at least partial versions of things like That’s The Way I’ve Alway Heard It Should Be by Carly Simon, along with many I did not identify. I’ll leave that up to you, maybe a prize this week for the most correct answers.

Other new lessons included Vanessa’s contribution of Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran, and a Fly video with Sandy working on Four Strong Winds by Ian Tyson, particularly an instrumental intro to spruce it up a bit.

The rest I will leave to you to discover and enjoy (hopefully).

Stay Tuned & In Touch,



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