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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up August 30th, 2019

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up August 30th, 2019


A lot of messing around in the key of E Major in today’s News, starting with a blues improv based on the Forum post about Tony Joe White’s Polk Salad Annie, with only minor snubs to some of the other artists in the videos.

A couple other Forum post drew my attention this week so I mentioned a bit about the key of F# Major and why guitar players, and even most jazz composers stay away from it, as well as Wiley’s suggestions for IGC, which is coming up in just a few weeks. We have about 20 people signed up with plenty of room for a few more if anybody is still thinking of joining us. The manageable number does mean that everyone will get a good amount of individual instruction in whatever directions their interests lie considering we have five talented teachers lined up: Max Rich, Doug Young, Jim Bruno, Dave Nachmanoff, and your truly.

I also spent a little time talking about my recent trip to the East Coast where one of the reasons was scoping out a possible site for a future mini-camp in the woods of New Hampshire. I wonder how many TG’ers would be interested in getting together at Upton Pond in Stoddard, which is about a 2-hour drive from Boston.

The new lessons this week included Let’s Stay Together by Al Green and My Sharona by The Knack.

As August comes to an end I am glad to say that my travels are over for a while and I am able to get back to lesson planning. I gave some hints as to what you might see in the upcoming weeks.

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