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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up April 21st, 2017

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up April 21st, 2017


Learn To Play The Guitar with the online guitars lessons from Totally Guitars!
Totally Guitars News Podcast

George Harrison wrote some great songs, one of which opens today’s update, and the following one is one he would have considered amateurish and weak, from only a few years earlier. There were quite a few thoughts on George scattered through the News as well.

The question about how to follow the Beginner’s Blueprint was addressed with the main thought being to start with the Fundamentals video under the Tips, Techniques, Theory and Styles menu, continuing with the 7 segments, concluding with Chords In Keys.

A couple new lessons this week, courtesy of Max and Vanessa, including Stevie Wonder’s Sir Duke, Ice Cream by Sarah McLachlan, and a Fly lesson with Sandy working on Leather And Lace, particularly a second guitar part.

And my plan over the last few weeks, of getting a bit ahead on lessons as I head into a forced down time for knee surgery, has gotten undermined, sabotaged, and downright missing in action, has ground to a halt, with a bit of an explanation in the video.

In any case, I will try to stay in touch over the next weeks as I spend some time with some men in white coats!



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