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Totally Guitars Weekly Update October 4, 2024

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Totally Guitars Weekly Update October 4, 2024


October 4, 2024

It is October and high time to get started refreshing your Christmas tunes, more on that later…

I had some Beatles songs running through my head today, and eventually did get to a bit of a couple. Before that I started with a short improv in G (at least for a while), which led into memories of a class I gave at our International Guitar Camp recently. My theme for the morning sessions was ‘Playing By Numbers’, and I hope to get those workshops up for the TG Community soon. I happened to mention a couple of my early albums – A Beatles Collection and A Christmas Collection, which are available as downloads at Joplin & Sweeney Music.

Along those lines, and following in last week’s footsteps talking about thirds, I went back to more basic info on intervals, with particular focus on seconds and their inversions, sevenths. I will keep on this path for the next couple weeks.

Things wrapped up with a couple excerpts of Christmas arrangements, mostly meant to remind folks to start brushing up on those now as it will be January before we know it and they will all go back on the shelf, or in the freezer for another nine months.

Stay Tuned & In Touch,



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