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Totally Guitars Weekly Update February 11, 2022

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Totally Guitars Weekly Update February 11, 2022


February 11, 2022

I got a request to do a lesson on Sylvia, the Focus tune I put up as an Acoustic Snapshot a while ago, so I started today’s Update with a little bit of it. Frankly, I want to finish White Bird before I get started on the next big instrumental, but you never know what turns we’ll find here. Other unrelated pieces that got partial plays today included Dear Prudence (which is one of our new lessons this week), Cobble Creek, Paprika, an improv that turned into Quicksand, and a bit of our other new lesson, Walkin’ After Midnight by Patsy Cline.

Like usual, there was a gamut of off-topic topics: guitar maintenance, computer upgrades, and our recurring seasonal visits by mama hummingbirds. Yes, we have another nest under construction right outside a sliding glass door. I am not sure I will be able to fire up the Hummer Cam this year, but last year’s are still floating around.


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