Percy’s Song was written by Bob Dylan but first released by Fairport Convention on their album Unhalfbricking in 1969. Their arrangement featured beautiful harmony over a simple chord progression. This lesson starts with the melody ...
Ballad Of A Thin Man is one of Bob Dylan’s rambling commentaries on people asking too many questions, presumably to him. The original is more piano-based but the chords and riffs translate nicely to acoustic ...
Midnight Rider is an acoustic classic by Gregg Allman and Robert Payne, first released on The Allman Brothers second album Idlewild South in 1970. It has become one of their most popular, and most covered ...
Mykonos is a catchy song from Fleet Foxes, a band from the Seattle area. Most of their songs have compelling lyrics and are done with great vocal harmonies. This song opens with a fingerpicked guitar ...
Jack Straw is a Bob Weir/Robert Hunter composition that has been part of hundreds of Grateful Dead concerts since it was written in 1971. I recommend listening to it on their album Hundred Year Hall ...
Mood For A Day is a retro/neo/quasi-classical piece by Steve Howe which first appeared on Yes's landmark album Fragile. It includes many techniques that are very challenging- flamenco strumming, rapid scales and variations, trill-like hammer-ons ...
This new lessons package includes 5 David Bowie Lessons. Right now we are offering lifetime access to these lessons for only $37.95 This video lesson series is expertly taught by Neil Hogan and includes any ...
This week the Target Program additions were all from artists who were very influential to me. We started the week with John Fahey's tune Poor Boy Long Ways From Home. This is done in Open ...
March 23, 2012 It was special request week here at TG. I picked out a few songs that were not on the Recommend A Lesson list (although one was recently) and got lessons together for them. The first ...
March 16, 2012 This week our Target members were treated to a wide range of guitar lessons- slack key, rockabilly, Beatles, piano classics, and even a little Tom Petty. We had Student Reviews on Blackbird and the solo arrangement ...