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Mandolin Improvisation In E

Mike Mullins

Mandolin Improvisation In E


Hello mike here with yet another lil episode of acoustic snapshots, and uh today I’m kinda working on mandolin and uhm I did one of this before, right and I’m kind of give you a lil window into how I practice. and uh sometimes practicing is really boring, you practicing scales. or you try to learn the tunes, just difficult and there’s a learning curve and you kind of struggling of that slippery slope and then back down again. but some of us, to me well I like to practices. just pick up the instrument and just kind of breathe with it, and just pick out a particular little riff. and you might sneak up on something and uh by that I mean, you just kind of start uhm expanding on a lift that you make might already know. you know (strumming the guitar)… and just kind of tryin out of string of notes to it slowly, at first… but eventually you get to a point where it will develop your ear and just kind of your sense of uh melody, and harmonics and uhm you know, so basically what this is today is not so much to show you what scale, or a lick or anything but just kind of show you a little bit how I improvise when I practice.
Sometimes when I just get bored and I start uhm pulling (chuckles) riffs out and they’ll often leave me to new places and uhm, sometimes they just leave me, and then straighten to a brick wall that uhm very often I couldn’t use something that I can use later., So what I’m gonna do, I’m just gonna play for uhm, well I don’t know, a minute or two and see what I come up with and uhm something like panning for gold, so I’m just getting a big pan of mud. as soon as you find a couple of notes and you’re gonna know, we’re saving and uhm we’ll see what happens when I try this right now. you see something will come to this. so I’m just gonna improvise right now and uh the key of E. I think. ’cause its not one of my better keys, so I need to… i need to brush up a little bit. (Strumming the guitar). Well it might be something I can use, ill have to review what I did to see if there’s anything worth keeping. But anyway, that’s… Ill probably just use some of different keys, just so its kind of getting an idea of my approach. uhm, okay! We’ll see you next time.


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