Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up May 15th, 2020

As mentioned last week, we are rolling out new features for the site constantly. The big one for me this week is the Student Review Uploader. I hope everybody will take advantage of it and I will get to as many of them as you can do, I almost promise.
We have also been furiously updating some recent lessons that got derailed somewhere in the time-space-continuum and had trouble passing through the stones. So be sure to keep an eye on the recent lessons page if your favorite got caught in the transition.
Believe it or not, I still check in on our old ‘Recommend A Lesson’ section on the forum, with a plan to still get to some of those long ago requests. I was surprised to see a recent request for a lesson I have on my planning schedule. And next week one of the top 5 tunes will see the light of day here. As a matter of fact there is another lesson next week that was also a request, although it was from the Forum I think. The point is, keep the requests rolling in!
There was also a little talk about historic events this week, and a bit of my personal life with electric guitars and amps, as well as some theory on sixths, since we all are all over thirds now, right?
Some of the random improvs today included David Crosby, Leslie Duncan, and a bluesy roots tune also on the Recommend A Lesson page.
OK, start uploading your works in progress!