Home is a 2012 song performed by American Idol winner Phillip Phillips. The song was written by British musician Greg Holden and producer Drew Pearson and was picked to be the hit for the Idol ...
Secret Agent Man was the theme song from the 60s TV show starring Patrick McGoohan. The recording was done by Johnny Rivers and became one of his signature songs. It consists of a ‘James Bond’ ...
Love Her Madly is a great strumming tune from The Doors’ 1971 album L.A. Woman. This lesson goes over the chords and strumming patterns, incorporating some of the bass lines, a breakdown of an arpeggio ...
Folsom Prison Blues is one of Johnny Cash’s most recognized songs. It follows a simple 12-bar blues progression with a standard country-style strumming pattern. Most of the difficulty here is hitting the bass notes accurately ...
Ghost Riders In The Sky is a cowboy classic from the 1940s. It has been done by innumerable artists over the years, ranging from the original done by Burl Ives to surf, country, pop, trance, ...
People Are Strange is from The Doors’ album Strange Days and features a catchy little arpeggio picking over a very simple chord progression. The keyboards of Ray Manzarek are really what gave this song its ...
Hurt is a song originally done by Trent Reznor and his project ‘band’ Nine Inch Nails and it was first released in 1994 on the album The Downward Spiral. This lesson looks at the way ...
Bus Stop was the Hollies’ 1966 hit that really put them on the musical map in the U.S. It was written by Graham Gouldman, who penned many hits for British bands before making it on ...
Leader Of Men is a Nickelback song from their 2000 album The State. It is done in Dropped D Tuning and really just uses three power chords. This lesson goes into pounding steady eighth notes, ...