March 23, 2012 It was special request week here at TG. I picked out a few songs that were not on the Recommend A Lesson list (although one was recently) and got lessons together for them. The first ...
Hold On For Your Love guitar lesson from John Hiatt is a great example of a simple strumming song that uses a basic chord progression, powerful lyrics and vocals, and shows why he is such ...
March 16, 2012 This week our Target members were treated to a wide range of guitar lessons- slack key, rockabilly, Beatles, piano classics, and even a little Tom Petty. We had Student Reviews on Blackbird and the solo arrangement ...
March 9, 2012 This week we added some songs that have been on our 'Recommend A Lesson' list for a long time. We started with Eva Cassidy's arrangement of Kathy's Song, a beautiful song written by Paul Simon that ...
March 2, 2012 This week at TG sat in on a couple of lessons with my students (Fly On The Wall lessons), reviewed a couple of student uploads, released a couple of artist packs, and looked at songs ...
February 24, 2012, Another stunning day here in Northern California... which frequently leads to scattered and disorganized Weekly News Reviews. In a nutshell- Our main Target releases this week stayed with developing themes: The Guess Who, Damien Rice, and ...
February 17, 2012 This week we resurrected a popular feature that our Target Members have enjoyed since Day 1- Student Reviews. This part of the site is where students upload videos of songs they are working on and ...
February 10, 2012 This week we got back into the world of Slack Key Guitar with a couple of easy songs. We started the week with a short waltz, The Moloka'i Waltz. this is a great place for ...
February 3, 2012 This week we stepped back into the world of Slack Key Guitar with an arrangement of Paniau, a song written by Helen Desha Beamer (Keola's great-grandmother) about a house on the Big Island belonging to ...
January 27, 2012 For some reason today I was in a mood to play a little slack key guitar. Meaning I played a few things, none of which were related to this week's additions here at ...