Love Her Madly is a great strumming tune from The Doors’ 1971 album L.A. Woman. This lesson goes over the chords and strumming patterns, incorporating some of the bass lines, a breakdown of an arpeggio ...
Ed came in asking about Kathy’s Song by Paul Simon. We have played many other songs with similar progressions and fingerpicking patterns but he wanted to explore some of the specific embellishments that Paul adds ...
Folsom Prison Blues is one of Johnny Cash’s most recognized songs. It follows a simple 12-bar blues progression with a standard country-style strumming pattern. Most of the difficulty here is hitting the bass notes accurately ...
This week we had a few Target Lessons, some Student Reviews, a Fly On The Wall lesson, a continuation of the Music Gear Review on the Pre- Sonus StudioOne, and a very insightful essay from Steve Rose ...
Ghost Riders In The Sky is a cowboy classic from the 1940s. It has been done by innumerable artists over the years, ranging from the original done by Burl Ives to surf, country, pop, trance, ...
Our exploration of songs by Bob Dylan included a little ear-training lesson on Girl From The North Country, a song he recorded with Johnny Cash on his Nashville Skyline album. It is a basic 3-chord ...
This week we brought out two new artist 10-packs, one with songs by Bob Dylan and Volume 2 of Neil Young songs, a collection of some of his Buffalo Springfield era songs. We had Student Reviews that included ...