Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up June 26th, 2020

As June winds down I am happy to say that one of my personal goals is running along nicely. That is the plan of coming out with some mega-lessons (at least in my mind) that are a bit (like 10x) more complex than most video lessons. This week’s addition was of course, The Entertainer, but James and Operator from recent weeks were right up there. I hope to see some works in progress on any of those in the Student Review Channel soon.
This week also saw lessons on Crazy, as done by Shawn Colvin, and My Girl by The Temptations. I classified My Girl as for Beginners but it is not for absolute beginners as you really need to play F as a full barre chord. I also combined the bass run with a rhythm guitar part, which is definitely not for beginners.
Some cool threads on The Forum this week included good suggestions for upcoming lessons and I addressed a few that I have already been considering for lessons, including Steve Howe’s level 11 ‘Clap’. Of course that is another mega lesson (mega-mega maybe) that will see the light of day sometime when I have a spare 14 hours or so to dedicate to it. And that’s not counting the dozens already put into it.
I am really glad to see a couple Student Uploads for Review and I have responded to the couple we have, which you should be seeing soon. Neal’s upload of When I’m 64 also made me realize we don’t have any lessons of my arrangements of Beatles tunes from my album ‘A Beatles Collection (1989), and I hope to remedy that soon. If you are not familiar with it, it is available at the TG Store, or as a bonus if you find the right Easter eggs here.
Next Week:
A couple songs good for beginners from country songwriters Guy Clark and John Prine. Of course you are up on the fact that I tend to take some songs that can be played rather easily and complicate them up a bit (see My Girl!).
We also have a lesson from Vanessa coming on When Susannah Cries by Espin Lind.
A couple new 5-Packs on the way next week are a Nirvana electric set from lessons done by Max and Volume 2 of our Jazz Standards.
On to July…