Totally Guitars Weekly Update June 2, 2023

June 2, 2023
This week I thought it was time for a little music theory lesson or review, depending on where you are in that world. I started with a piece that I needed to review myself for an event in a couple days–On The Horizon. It looks to be in good enough shape for now.
We put out a bunch of new lessons and packs this week, and all the recent packs are on sale for $5-$10 off. They are all on the Specials page, and included were Eagles Volume 2, Don Henley & Eagles combo pack, Jack Johnson, Bruce Springsteen, Jimi Hendrix Acoustic, Steve Miller Band, Guns N’ Roses and Elvis Volume 2.
The theory path I went down was about chords in keys, and how to figure out what key or keys you might be in once you have one or two chords figured out. Be sure to pause it to digest some of the stuff I went through fairly quickly.
See you next time,