Guns N' Roses Bonus Pack
What's included
- All tab
- Chords
- Chart
- Guitar pro files
Songs in the pack:
1. Sweet Child O' Mine - Electric Lesson
2. Mr. Brownstone - Electric Lesson
3. Paradise City - Electric Lesson
4. Nightrain
5. It's So Easy
6. Sweet Child O' Mine - Acoustic Lesson
7. Mr. Brownstone - Acoustic Lesson
8. Paradise City - Acoustic Lesson
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Lesson 1: Mr. Brownstone - Electric Guitar Lesson
Mr. Brownstone is Guns N' Roses first single off of their 1987 album "Appetite for Destruction". This song starts out with percussive and rhythmic dead notes on the lower strings. I really like how this song showcases the percussive aspects of playing the guitar. Usually people just approach the guitar as a melodic instrument, but Slash takes advantage of its percussive qualities and uses 16th dead notes to mimic the role of the tom from a drum set. He then goes into a descending sliding scale on the low string that reverses into an ascending line and breaks into the famous opening lick of Mr. Brownstone. This song makes for a great chance to practice rock guitar playing, with its heavy use of vibrato and pull offs that are iconic to the 80's rock guitar and Slash's playing in particular. There's a lot of subtleties in this song such as grace notes, dead notes, and slides that you really have to pay attention to and include tastefully without overdoing it. Slash used an interesting technique where he would play a power chord, but then play the same chord with only one or two notes, effectively making it sound like two guitars playing one lick. The solo in this song is pretty challenging since you have to keep up with Slash's style of phrasing, which is all over the bar as opposed to being strictly on the downbeats. There's also a lot of bending in the licks that will probably take some time to get down, but once you have them under your fingers, you'll be shredding!
Lesson 2: Mr. Brownstone - Guns N' Roses - Guitar Lesson
This epic Guns N’ Roses track about their hard partying lifestyle is chock full of chunky riffs and searing licks.
Slash’s hard rock guitar mastery is on full display in this song, and you’ll have total access to the tricks and riffs that make up this classic rock hit!Lesson 3: Sweet Child O' Mine - Electric Guitar Lesson
Sweet Child Of Mine is Guns N' Roses most famous song, reaching number one on the billboard charts after its debut on "Appetite for Destruction" in 1988. This song has a very iconic introduction that revolves around the E minor pentatonic box. There's a lot of octaves and string skipping in this one, so you'll need to play with a very relaxed right hand and be able to strum just as effectively with upstrokes as downstrokes. There's a lot of first and second position chords that are standard to this early hard rock genre, as well as some open chords. The solo in this song uses heavy vibrato bending and slurs, as well as shifting pentatonic shapes, so there's a lot to practice to get it down. Slash's phrases in particular revolves around three strings that playing ascending or descending licks before moving to the next position and phrase which lets you break it down into sections to practice and really get under your fingers.
Lesson 4: Sweet Child O’ Mine - Acoustic Guitar Lesson
Slash wrote the infamous opening riff to Sweet Child O’ Mine as a joke! He was playing around in rehearsal with a string skipping exercise and voila… a masterpiece was born.
You’ll not only learn the string skipping introduction, but also the verses, chorus and some awesome examples of soloing in the style of Slash.
By the end of this lesson, you will have a greater understanding of what makes Slash’s guitar playing so unique and memorable, as well as the tone and expression he uses to maintain his status as guitar-god.Lesson 5: Nightrain - Electric Guitar Lesson
This is one grooving rock tune from one of the best hard rock bands of all time! Guns N’ Roses cranked out the heavy hit over 20 years ago and it still rips today. With this lesson you’ll get full access to the riffs, licks and tricks that Slash played on this driving, forceful track. Make sure to bring your chops though, because the solo can get pretty hairy!
Lesson 6: Paradise City - Electric Guitar Lesson
Paradise City is a great Guns N' Roses song from their debut album "Appetite for Destruction" released in 1987. This song starts with an acoustic style opening with large open chords and arpeggios. The really cool thing about Slash's playing is that he plays a chord and breaks it up into arpeggios or double stops while letting the other notes of the chord ring out, which is really unique and a bit tricky to pull off. The solo is a perfect example of Slash's lead playing style and really accentuates how he started his phrasing with his first finger. Most guitarists phrase with their ringer finger as the the target, but Slash used his first finger which fit his style of playing nicely into the pentatonic shape you'll be using in this song. There's a lot of rock and roll style vibrato that relies on more wrist than finger action, as well as wide bends that bend and release repetitively to create a unique vocal style vibrato. There's also a blues influenced string skipping concept that Slash adapted for rock music, pulling form his influences. You really hear it in the bridge where he uses descending 16th note patterns that repeat in different positions on the neck. There's a lot to learn in this one, so get your chops ready and lets get started!
Lesson 7: Paradise City by Guns N' Roses - Guitar Lesson
This 80’s hard rock hit is a staple for all rock guitarists. Slash’s playing on this track goes from a clean, arpeggio opening into a driving and thunderous riff.
The solos and licks abound in this lesson, so get your guitar and let’s start rocking!Lesson 8: It's So Easy
This one is for the Guns N’ Roses fans out there. In this lesson you’ll learn all the guitar parts to this epic rock song. By analyzing the riffs and licks that Slash has become famous for playing, you’ll not only be able to recreate this tune but also understand how Slash thinks on the guitar. From the riffs through to some searing solo licks, you’ll have a blast jamming along in this rockin’ lesson!