I Talk To The Wind - King Crimson - Guitar Lessonby King Crimson
Instrument:acoustic guitar
Lesson Plan
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Another great song from the first King Crimson album, I Talk To The Wind has been brought back to life by Greg Lake recently, as well as a Crimson alumni band with Steve Hackett.
Greg’s versions have featured a simple arpeggio guitar accompaniment, which I expect students to listen to before looking at the attachments to this lesson in order to take the ear-training approach.
The lesson goes over that approach, as well as looking at a little jazzier version, more like the original. There is also a discussion about the key signature, which is very unusual.
Greg’s versions have featured a simple arpeggio guitar accompaniment, which I expect students to listen to before looking at the attachments to this lesson in order to take the ear-training approach.
The lesson goes over that approach, as well as looking at a little jazzier version, more like the original. There is also a discussion about the key signature, which is very unusual.