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Mesa TA 15 Amp

Guitar & Gear Reviews

Mesa TA 15 Amp


Jack covers some of the long history of Mesa Engineering (also known as Boogie).Randall Smith started Boogie hotrodding Fender amps. He would upgrade the transformers and the speakers of small Fender amps so that, it was said, they would “boogie.” With the TA-15 (a.k.a. Transatlantic), they build an innovative tube head with three quickly switchable power settings (5, 15 and 25 Watts). With 2xEL-84 & 4x12AX7 tubes, the head weighs 12 pounds and is about 1 ½ times the size of a regular box of Kleenex. Put this thru a single speaker cabinet and you have something that is perfect for clubs and other gigging.

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