Neil Hogan – Wai’uli

Learn to Play Guitar With Totally Guitars
In May of 2014 I was in Hilo for my daughter Rebecca’s college graduation. My habit when I am there is to get up early to watch the sunrise.
On Thursday, May 8th I went across the street to Wai’uli Beach Park with my guitar and the opening melody found its way across the strings. I played around with it as the sun rose and pretty much sketched out an 8-measure theme that became the A Section and another that became the B Section.
Running short on time, I went back to grab the camera to record the ideas in case I forgot them as there was a lot to do for the next few hours.
When I got a chance to get back to the guitar I was glad I had gone back for the camera as the themes were slipping away. I played through the song a few more times and got it a little clearer in my head.
The next day I even attempted playing it on the TG News. A couple months later I got back to polishing it up, arranging the parts and adding a somewhat related coda to wrap it up. You can still hear the TG News version for comparison but here is the way it sounded on August 17th.