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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up September 1st, 2017

TG News

Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up September 1st, 2017


Master Your Favorite Tune with the online guitars lessons from Totally Guitars!
Totally Guitars News Podcast

This week TG Central was just about recovered from the guests of August when our fearless leader, Matt Williams swooped in for a cameo. It had been a few months since his last visit but years before that one.

As the temperature approached 100 degrees we sweltered in the the studio for a short time and talked about some of the things going on at TotallyGuitars.

The big news this week was that we finalized plans for IGC 2018, and all the details are live at www.internationalguitarcamp.com now, along with some cool videos which I will get up on the Forum soon.

We also talked about some of the behind-the-scenes things going on that the TG team is working on constantly. Unfortunately, very little playing today because it was just too hot. Hopefully you will enjoy the thoughts anyway.



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