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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up November 30th, 2012

TG News

Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up November 30th, 2012


Totally Guitars

Totally Guitar Podcast

This week’s News turned a bit into a personal blog as I have recently
gotten inspired to resurrect some classical guitar pieces, most of
which I had not played for about 30 years. Before I get into those and
some details, a quick rundown of the new content is in order.

Our Target additions this week included Student Reviews for uploads on
Dance With Me by Orleans and Neil Young’s The Needle And The Damage
Done. Our Fly On The Wall lessons covered Sandman and The 59th Street
Bridge Song. We also had a complete lesson on Desperado by The Eagles,
obviously originally a piano song but one that translates very well to
the acoustic guitar.

A few things on the Forum jumped out at me this week, including Catman
in Israel getting a chance to see Tommy Emmanuel, something everybody
should make a point of doing when possible.

I want to thank some of our old-timers who have been chipping in with
answers to questions from other members. This is one of the things
that really helps TG feel like a close community. I addressed a
question or two as well in this video, I think.

The second part of the News was mostly me playing bits and pieces of
some of the things I am working on in my classical resurrection
project. These are all still in the very early, and rusty stages but I
thought I could give you a sampling of where they are today and maybe
a check back in a couple of weeks, hoping they improve. Not sure which
all of these I played as I don’t generally follow the script very
well, but my practice list for the last few days has included-

Recuerdos De La Alhambra by Francisco Tarrega (my tremolo currently
Etude #1 by Heitor Villa-Lobos (my right hand is badly out of shape
for this kind of thing)
Venezuelan Waltzes #2 and #3 by Antonio Lauro (just flat out difficult
but beautiful)
Prelude in Dm by Bach (getting a grip on this!)

and a lot of sight reading through pieces in The Renaissance Guitar
and The Baroque Guitar by Frederick Noad.

OK, back to the grindstone…



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