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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up May 9th, 2014

TG News

Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up May 9th, 2014


Totally Guitars – Learn to Play Guitar Online

Totally Guitars News iTunes Podcast

Today’s News comes to you from sunny (almost) Hilo on the Big Island of Hawai’i. It has been an eventful, and almost relaxing few days. I see life at TG seems to be going on without me so I figure I’ll just share a bit of what has been going on here. We all arrived here on Tuesday, spent Wednesday with Rebecca, including some performances by the Hawaiian Studies classes, Thursday we went out to Volcanoes National Park, a stunning place that I hope to get more time in soon, and we ate… a lot… every couple hours. We are with some relatives who think three restaurant trips a day is the minimum. This is a dangerous place!

On the musical front, yesterday I was up way before the sun (nothing unusual really) and walked across the street to the beach with my guitar. As the sun rose I started playing and a piece started taking shape. This morning I went back with the camera and figured I’d shoot the News at the same spot and time. Today’s backdrop is the sun starting to shine on the majestic Mauna Kea, with a bit of the sketch as accompaniment, probably to be called Wai Uli Sunrise upon completion.

Somewhere in the News I mentioned this week’s new releases, The Road by Jackson Browne, The Arpeggio Exercises In A Major, Do You Want To Know A Secret by The Beatles, a few more parts of Chan’s Fly On The Wall lesson (mostly theory parts), and finally some of the IGC Open Mic videos. I meant to get a few more up but dropped the ball on finishing more than Jeff’s by the time I left. Luckily the ball got picked up and we should be able to get the rest out in a more timely manner now.

As far as the next week for me, one side of the family is leaving this weekend and another coming in later in the week for the main graduation. In any case I will try to keep a bit on track with new content and another update next Friday.

Until then, a big Aloha to all at TG!


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