Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up June 14th, 2019
I Got A Feeling, as done by Pentangle in the 60’s, is an example of a jazzy 12-bar blues based on All Blues by Miles Davis. That was on my mind at the start of this week’s update as a student had been working on it this week. I figured I might as well try to add in the melody a bit and improvise a bit from there. The clip ended with some tips on hammer ons when they happen on beats with bass notes.
In between I touched on goofing off for a couple hours to watch a current movie (most of my video time is spent on older stuff like Alfred The Great, Charlemagne…), and some thoughts about our upcoming International Guitar Camps.
This week we released a 5-Pack of lessons by Three Dog Night as well as Smooth by Santana, Basket Case by Green Day, and Vanessa’s fabulous lesson on The Last Resort by The Eagles.
I will be traveling next weekend for a short anniversary trip but back soon.