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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up July 8, 2011

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up July 8, 2011


This week we continued our exploration of the ukulele with a few more
lessons from Hal Kinnaman. They were Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring by
J.S. Bach, Opihi Moe Moe by slack key legend Leonard Kwan, and
Estudio, a classical guitar piece by Francisco Tarrega. For our
visitors who prefer packages to Target membership we added a 5-Pack of
Intermediate Ukulele Solos which included those three songs plus My
Sweet Sweetie and Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

We added another couple of big requests from our Recommend A Lesson
area this week to the Target Program as well- Everything I Own by
David Gates and Bread, and Willie Nelson’s version of Always On My
Mind. Both of which are very accessible to intermediate guitar students.

On the slightly more advanced side we finished up Muriel Anderson’s
lesson on Vincent and on the slightly more than more advanced side we
added the conclusion of section D to Sleight Of Hand. We now have all
the parts to this up and next week will add a little more about the

On the Vintage Snapshot Front we had a great video from Jack van Breen
taking us through the Vintage Collection at Guitar Showcase. There are
some amazing instruments there and it is very cool to get a glimpse
inside the vault. Check it out on the Home Page.

I have had a lot of fun tracking the TG Banner on its world tour,
latest stop Scotland. Check out the progress in the Forum and on the
Community Map.

Adios from Northern California, where we had a relatively ‘safe n
sane’ 4th Of July earlier this week.

Stay Tuned& In Touch,



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