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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up January 25th, 2013

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up January 25th, 2013


Totally Guitars

Totally Guitars Podcast

Today we started with a little blues, taken from the first Hot Tuna album, a must have in your collection. I talked a bit about the recent Student Reviews- Wonderful Tonight and The Weight, and the new Target lessons- So Begins The Task and Gypsy, then went into some comments on how I sometimes choose songs. Occasionally a new request grabs me for some reason, as was the case with the Stephen Stills song. Other times
a song will come up on a random play cycle (usually playing in the background 24/7) and I realize I have to do it, as with the Moody Blues song. Gypsy is a blast to play so I hope everybody checks it out even if not too familiar with it.

This week’s Fly On The Wall lesson was Sandy working on creating a chord solo for Here, There and Everywhere. I ended up talking about some of the important concepts that you need to have together and that it’s important to write out the melody before connecting the notes to the chords.

And as usual- a bunch of random snippets of songs I couldn’t remember without watching.

Stay Tuned & In Touch,


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