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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up December 20th, 2013

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up December 20th, 2013


Totally Guitars

Totally Guitars Podcast

I was probably a little more amped for today’s News than usual (surprise, surprise, surprise) as I felt I had about 100 things to get to, and still thought playing something would be nice. There was news about next year’s International Guitar Camp, tips on playing songs a level or two above your comfort zone, a thought on Guitar Pro problems a few people have been experiencing, info on last year’s IGC and when to expect some peeks, and even an offer to provide some sing along Holiday charts of anybody has a specific request. I haven’t quite figured out the logistics of that yet but it seems doable.

Somewhere along the way I seem to remember play The Christmas Song and Broken Arrow. I usually look back at stuff like that and think I could have prepared them but that kind of planning doesn’t usually happen around here.

In case you missed the new lessons, we had a ragtime look at O Come All Ye Faithful, the remaining parts to Rosa May, the last part of Kurt’s lesson where we refined Norwegian Wood, Country Song by Jake Bugg, and the already mentioned Broken Arrow. This followed Neil Young’s solo version from The Canterbury House concert in 1968 rather than the Buffalo Springfield version, technically the original but overdressed according to some.

I finally got around to tabbing out a solo version of Truckin’, by The Grateful Dead, about 4 years after the fact. I also mentioned that if there are any other Play Through sections of songs that include melodies that are not addressed in the lesson I would appreciate hearing about them. Not to say I will get to all of them but a good list to keep around.

If you still have guitar playing friends who haven’t taken the Target Plunge yet, be sure to consider sending a gift card their way. Remember it includes a set of my albums for both of you (I think!?). There are a couple Christmas Packages available as well.

As has become an end-of-year custom here at TG, we may take it easy over the next week or two and let you catch up on lessons that you may not be making time to get to due to the candy store syndrome. I do have a few things I will probably share with everybody next week in any case.

Matt and I, and the whole TG Team, really hope everybody has a healthy and happy season and thanks for being part of the TG Family!


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