Totally Guitars Weekly Update September 23, 2022

September 23, 2022
The re-entry to the real world is almost complete as our 2022 International Guitar Camp is now in the rear view mirror. Plans for next year are underway, but we managed to get back in lesson production mode.
Nesh put together a lesson on David Garrick’s 1960s pop hit Dear Mrs. Applebee. The song is a basic strumming song with easy chords but the lesson goes into different keys and even how to play it on the ukulele, which was a prominent part of the original.
A requst that came through the TG Forum led me to do a lesson on I Can’t Wait by Kieran Kane, Kevin Welch and Fats Kaplin. Like Nesh’s lesson, the song is a simple progression with nice fingerpicking. The lesson takes a ‘do-it-yourself’ approach by going into what I call ‘generic’ fingerpicking, meaning mix and match patterns and melodies a bit randomly. There is a detailed tab of how to play the intro, as well as how to use a capo at different frets to play in different relative keys.
Today’s tip was about beginning fingerpicking, partly inspired by the Kieran Kane lesson, and presented a couple good exercises and patterns to start with.