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Totally Guitars Weekly Update October 11, 2024

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Totally Guitars Weekly Update October 11, 2024


October 11, 2024

I still have intervals on my to-do list for students, and while reviewing thirds Dance With Me popped out of my guitar. Being in the key of D, it led me into Al Stewart’s Time Passages. I improvised a bit of an instrumental take on it before getting to the main stuff I wanted to get to…Intervals.

Today’s take on that reviewed some Guitar Geography, particularly with respect to natural notes on the sixth and fifth strings. That move into thoughts about fourths and fifths. I hope some of it clicks with everybody.

This week we got a request to add an instrumental introduction to our lesson on Different Drum, as recorded by Linda Ronstadt. I picked through a bit of it, explained a bit, and made a note to try to add some tab to the lesson soon.

And don’t forget to be working on your Christmas tunes!



1 Comment

  1. Randy McCracken October 14, 2024

    Great stuff Neil! Thanks for the lesson and the playing!


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