Totally Guitars Weekly Update May 31, 2024

May 31, 2024
Today’s Update started with some musings on one of our new lessons this week. Nesh brought us Willie Nelson’s version of Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain and For A Long Time by Broken Fences. My thoughts on Blue Eyes led into talking about 3-chord progressions that use chords I-IV-V, and how that is a little different in the Mixolydian mode. That became today’s theory component at the end of the video.
We also added a Student Review on As Tears Go By, which I had been working on a solo lesson for, coincidentally. Steven had chosen C as the key for his version, and I talked about some things he could work on to improve it a bit.
The TG 3-Minute Challenge is winding down this weekend, ending on Sunday. Our Week 3 winner was DavesNotHere and he opted for mp3 copies of some of my albums. We will be picking a Week 4 winner and a Grand Prize winner next week so keep those logs up to date on the TG Forum.
On the IGC front– the Early Bird Special ($300 off) is expiring on June 15 and camp will sell out, like every year. I hope some of you will take advantage of this great opportunity and join us for a week of total guitar immersion!
I wrapped things up with a discussion on the Mixolydian Mode, hoping to demystify some obstacles that a couple of my students ran into recently.
See you in June,